Genteng PV Thin-Film CdTe

  Teknologi genteng PV telah ada di pasaran sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Namun, saat itu teknologi ini masih kurang populer. Dari sisi teknis, jika ventilasi kurang, genteng PV cenderung menjadi panas. Semakin panas modul PV, performa semakin turun. Selain itu, efisiensi genteng PV dianggap masih terlalu rendah sehingga membutuhkan lebih banyak area untuk menghasilkan daya […]

24 Nov 2020

Genteng PV Crystalline Silicon

  Crystalline silicon (cSi) adalah teknologi PV generasi pertama yang telah terbukti disukai pasar serta banyak mendapat dukungan oleh karena performa keluaran yang lebih tinggi di bawah sinar matahari langsung. Selain daripada  teknologi  yang telah matang dan terbukti handal, silicon merupakan unsur paling melimpah di lapisan kerak bumi, kedua setelah oksigen, dalam bentuk batuan dan […]

24 Nov 2020

Kaca PV Thin-film CdTe

  Kaca PV Cadmium Telluride CdTe memiliki kombinasi antara fungsi, efisiensi, dan estetika. Material ini dapat menjadi pengganti bagi kaca arsitektur konvensional, karena selain memiliki karakteristik mekanik yang sama, juga memiliki sejumlah keunggulan seperti yang disebut di bawah ini. Kaca PV ini telah memenuhi standar keamanan internasional bila digunakan dalam konstruksi untuk keperluan arsitektur. Selain […]

23 Nov 2020

Kaca PV Crystalline Silicon

  Kaca PV crystalline silicon (cSi) menghasilkan daya sedikit lebih besar dibanding kaca PV thin-film, per meter persegi terpasang. Teknologi kaca PV crystalline silicon ini cocok diaplikasikan bangunan dengan orientasi langsung menghadap matahari untuk mendapatkan hasil energi maksimal. Kaca PV crystalline silicon adalah dapat diaplikasikan pada kanopi, skylight, spandrel, atau dinding yang tidak terhalang oleh […]

23 Nov 2020

Roof Tile Crystalline Silicon PV

  Crystalline silicon (cSi) is the first generation PV technology that has been proven in the market and has got strong supporters for its higher output performance in direct sunlight. Besides its maturity and reliability, silicon is the second most abundant element in Earth’s crust (after oxygen), in the form of rock and sand. Our […]

30 Sep 2020

Roof Tile Thin-Film PV

  The technology of solar roof tiles has been on the market since many years ago. In the past, however, it has prevented the technology from becoming popular. From a technical perspective, if there is no adequate ventilation, roof tiles integrated PV runs the risk of becoming very hot. The hotter the PV modules, the […]

23 Sep 2020

Crystalline Silicon PV Glass

  Crystalline silicon PV glass features slightly more power installed per sqm in comparison to thin-film PV glass. This crystalline silicon PV glass technology is suitable for buildings and facilities with good solar orientation to obtain maximum energy output. Crystalline silicon PV glass is the most suitable material for canopies, skylights, spandrel, and solid walls […]

3 Apr 2020

Thin-Film CdTe PV Glass

  Cadmium Telluride CdTe PV glass features a combination of functionality, efficiency, and aesthetics. This material can be the perfect substitute for conventional architectural glass placed in buildings because it offers the same mechanical properties in addition to the advantages mentioned a few lines below. PV glass complies with all international safety standards when used […]

2 Apr 2020
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    Solstice solar believes that the building, in particular its envelope, is at the forefront of energy transition, as part of the fight against climate change and the evolution in our way of living and working. We provide state-of-the-art technologies in building skin solutions: A facade is no longer only an element ensuring waterproofing, insulation and ventilation, but one which produces energy on top of those basic functions.

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